For some time, in the Google Apps world, it has been possible to purchase additional storage for Google Docs (now Google Drive), but email has always been capped at 25GB.
With this morning’s announcement, Google will be rolling out unified storage, which means that storage is shared (on a per-user basis) between Gmail, Drive, and Google+ Photos, with the option to purchase additional storage, thereby “un-capping” the 25GB email ceiling we’ve had in place since the inception of Google Apps.
25GB seems like a lot, but I have several customers with users dangerously straddling the upper limits of their 25GB quota.
This is great news!!!
If your organization has been considering moving to the Google Apps platform, please talk to us! Ook Enterprises is a veteran Google Apps Authorised Reseller with lots and lots of deployment experience under out belt.
Click here for more information on our Google Apps for Business services.